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Football is a great way to be part of a team and stay active. But it’s a contact sport and injuries can happen. Researchers are studying how being hit in the head over and over during tackling affects the brain. These head injuries can cause serious brain problems later in life. Changes in training and rules may help lower the risk of harm to the brain.

Athletes and their families need to decide if the risks of football are worth it. Players should follow these tips to help prevent injuries.

What Football Safety Gear Do Players Need?

The proper football equipment can lower the risk of getting hurt. Players need:

A helmet. All football helmets should have a hard plastic outer shell and thick layer of padding. Helmets should meet safety standards from the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE). The coach or a salesperson at a sporting goods store can make sure players get a helmet that meets these standards and fits well.

Helmets also should have a rigid face mask made from coated carbon steel. The face mask needs to be secured to the helmet. There are different face masks for different positions and purposes. Coaches can tell players which is best for them.

All helmets must have a chin strap with a protective chin cup too. The chin strap needs to be fastened and snug during play.

Pants with leg pads. Players should wear pads on their hips, thighs, knees, and tailbone. Some football pants include pads that snap into place or fit into pockets within the pants. Other pants are shells that are pulled over the pads.

Shoulder pads. Football shoulder pads should have a hard plastic shell with thick padding.

Shoes. Different leagues have different rules about the kind of shoes and cleats (spikes on shoe soles that help grip the ground) players can use. Some cleats are detachable, and others are molded so they can’t be taken off. Check with the coach and your league’s guidelines to see which types of shoes are allowed.

A mouth guard. All football leagues require players to use a mouth guard. Get one with a keeper strap that attaches it securely to the face mask.

Other gear. An athletic supporter with cup can help prevent injuries to the testicles. Players on girls flag football teams should wear a sports bra. Other items players might want to wear include padded neck rolls, forearm pads, and padded or non-padded gloves. There are also “flak jackets” that protect the ribcage and belly. Players who need to wear glasses on the field should make sure they’re shatterproof.

How Can Athletes Stay Safe When Playing Football?

Before starting the season, players should get a sports physical. The doctor can check for any health problems and talk about sports safety. Most schools won't let athletes play unless they've had a sports physical within the past year. Plus, being in good shape can help athletes avoid injuries.

Players also should:

  • Warm up and stretch before playing.
  • Learn and use proper techniques, like how to safely tackle, absorb a tackle, and fall to the ground.
  • Stop playing if they feel pain or get hurt. They must get checked by an athletic trainer, coach, doctor, or nurse before going back on the field.
  • Stay hydrated (especially on hot, sunny days) by drinking plenty of liquids before, during, and after practices and games.
  • Know the symptoms of a concussion, like headache, dizziness or confusion. If they hit their head or don’t feel well, players should:
    • Tell the trainer or coach right away.
    • Sit out until they feel better and follow the concussion guidelines for the league.
    • Not ask the coach to put them back in or be pressured to go back in before they're ready. The guidelines are there to keep players safe and healthy.
  • Know the team plan for emergencies.
  • Play different sports throughout the year to help prevent repetitive stress injuries (overuse injuries). These happen when someone trains too much or makes the same motions over and over.

What Else Should I Know?

The coach (and athletic trainer, if possible) should be at all practices and games and encourage safe, fair play. They should limit the amount of contact during practices and insist that players follow the current safety rules on tackling. Helmet-to-helmet or helmet-to-body contact shouldn’t be allowed.

Also, players should learn the rules of the game and follow them. These include being respectful of the referees and not arguing with their calls. If they think a player on the other team is trying to hurt them on purpose, they should stay calm and tell their coach and the referee, then let them handle it.

Medically reviewed by: Melanie L. Pitone, MD
Date reviewed: September 2024