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Emergency Care & First Aid (Topic Center)

Emergency Care and First Aid

Do you know what to do in a medical emergency? Here are tips, guides, and action steps to help you prepare, just in case.

Learn More

  • Emergencies: What to Know

    In an emergency, could you remember important information about your child's health? What information should you have close by, just in case? 

    Be Prepared

  • First Aid & More

    Can you treat a nosebleed? Do you know how to splint a broken bone? Whether it's an emergency or not, these guides help you deal with common childhood mishaps and illnesses.

    Read our Guides

  • What Happens in the Emergency Room? 

    What should you do before going to the emergency room? What happens when you get there?

    Going to the ER

  • Being Prepared: First-Aid Kit

    Adhesive bandages? Check. Alcohol wipes? Check. What else should be in a first-aid kit?

    Build a First-Aid Kit

  • When and How to Use 911

    Does your child know how to use 911? Teaching kids how to use 911 is one of the easiest — and most important — lessons you'll ever share.

    About 911

Be Ready — Just in Case

Can you take a temperature? Do you know CPR? Knowing what to do ahead of time — and how to do it — can save lives.

  • Taking a Temperature

    Taking a temperature is easy, but do you how to do it safely and accurately?

    Find out how

  • Taking a Pulse

    What's the best way to take a child's pulse?

    Learn how

  • Learning CPR

    Knowing CPR can save a child's life by restoring breathing and circulation until medical help arrives.

    Find out more

  • Keeping a Medical History

    Keeping a record of your kids' health info can help doctors make quicker diagnoses and decisions during an emergency, when every second counts.

    See what to do

Emergencies Q&A

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