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Your Pregnancy (Topic Center)

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Your Pregnancy

Taking care of yourself has never been more important. Here's how to nurture your growing family and stay as healthy as can be!

Learn More

  • Watch Your Baby Grow!

    View the weekly slideshow

  • Watch Your Belly Grow!

    View the weekly slideshow

  • Pregnancy Calendar

    Read our week-by-week calendar and learn about the changes taking place in your baby — and you!

Having a Healthy Pregnancy

  • Eat Well

    Find out how many extra calories you need to support your growing baby and get recipe ideas.

    Your diet

    Nutrients you need


  • Live Well

    Staying active is not just good for your body, it also boosts your energy and mood.

    Staying healthy and getting exercise


    Sleep and mental health

  • Pregnancy Do's & Don'ts

    Learn what's OK to do now, and what will have to wait until after your baby arrives.

    Your top questions answered

    Are vaccines OK?

  • Prenatal Care

    Give your baby the best start by visiting your doctor regularly.

    Prenatal tests: FAQs

    Prenatal tests: 1st trimester

    Prenatal tests: 2nd trimester

    Prenatal tests: 3rd trimester

Top Q&As

  • This means a woman has one or more things that raise her — or her baby's — chances for health problems or preterm (early) delivery.

    Learn more

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