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  • First Aid: Falls for Parents

    Although most result in mild bumps and bruises, some falls can cause serious injuries that need medical attention.

  • Acanthosis Nigricans for Parents

    Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a condition that causes the skin to thicken and darken in places. AN is not harmful or contagious, but can be a sign of certain other medical conditions.

  • Molluscum Contagiosum for Teens

    The skin rash molluscum contagiosum isn't a big deal. Find out what to do about it in this article for teens.

  • Juvenile Dermatomyositis for Parents

    Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is an autoimmune disease that makes muscles, skin, and sometimes other organs become inflamed or damaged.

  • A Kid's Guide to Shots for Kids

    You've probably had most of your shots. But even bigger kids may need a shot once in a while. Find out more about them in this article for kids.

  • Stretch Marks for Teens

    Your skin is usually fairly elastic, but when you grow or gain weight really quickly (like during puberty), you may get fine lines on your body called stretch marks.

  • How to Take a Rectal Temperature for Parents

    The best way to take a temperature in infants and young children is by taking a rectal temperature. Here's how to do it.

  • The Flu Vaccine for Teens

    Doctors recommend that all teens get vaccinated against the flu. Here are the facts on flu vaccines.

  • Tetanus for Teens

    Tetanus is a bacterial infection that grows in a contaminated wound. Because it can be serious, it's important to get immunized. Find out more.

  • Acanthosis Nigricans for Teens

    Acanthosis nigricans is a darkening and thickening of the skin that can be a sign of other medical conditions. Find out more.