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You searched for: teens-talk-love-vd
  • Talking to Your Partner About Condoms for Teens

    Some people are embarrassed by the topic of condoms. Here are some tips for talking about condoms with your partner.

  • 5 Ways to Cope When a Loved One Dies for Teens

    We all face grief at some point. Here are ideas that might help you cope when someone you love has died.

  • Grief for Teens

    The death of a loved one can mean a big change in your life. It takes time to cope with your loss and find ways to adapt.

  • Relaxation Exercise: Loving Kindness Meditation for Teens

    This meditation helps us feel connected to and grateful for the people in our lives. Listen as we guide you through this meditation.

  • Practicing Positive Emotions for Teens

    Positivity is fun to practice, and a great way to learn more about yourself. Here are 10 common positive emotions to explore.

  • Knee Injury: Caroline's Story for Teens

    Caroline loved sports. But when an ongoing knee injury kept her from playing the sports she loved, she discovered new interests. Read her story.

  • How to Use a Condom for Teens

    Condoms protect against many STDs. Here's how to use them correctly.

  • Are Condoms 100% Effective? for Teens

    Condoms aren’t perfect, but if you’re going to have sex, they’re an important way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and pregnancy.

  • Teens Talk About Cutting for Teens

    We get lots of comments about our cutting articles. Because many of our readers' suggestions and comments are so helpful, we decided to put a few on our site.

  • Am I in a Healthy Relationship? for Teens

    All relationships go through good times and bad times, so it’s not always easy to tell if things are healthy or unhealthy. Here’s what to look for.