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  • Diabetes Center for Kids

    Diabetes means a problem with insulin, an important hormone in the body. Find out how children with diabetes can stay healthy and do the normal stuff kids like to do.

  • Diabetes (Topic Center) for Parents

    Does your child have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Learn how to manage the disease and keep your child healthy.

  • What Are Braces? for Kids

    If your teeth aren't straight, you can go to an orthodontist (a special kind of dentist) to get braces.

  • What's a Retainer? for Kids

    Your teeth won't go far, but they can move after your braces are removed.

  • What's an Orthodontist? for Kids

    An orthodontist is a dentist who specializes in making teeth straight, instead of fixing cavities.

  • What Are Genes? for Kids

    Genes carry the information that determines the traits that are passed on to you from your parents.

  • What Are Gums? for Kids

    Believe it or not, you always have gum in your mouth. No, not chewing gum!

  • What Does Alignment Mean? for Kids

    Alignment means to bring into line.

  • What's Fluoride? for Kids

    This mineral can help your teeth stay strong and look super!

  • Why Do I Have Pain? for Kids

    When your body is injured in some way, your nerves send messages to your brain about what's going on. Your brain then makes you feel pain. Read our pain-free article for kids.