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You searched for: program-eat
  • Speech-Language Therapy for Parents

    Working with a certified speech-language pathologist can help a child with speech or language difficulties.

  • Colic for Parents

    Colic is common in babies, but that doesn't make it easier for parents to handle. Learn what colic is, what causes it, and what you can do about it.

  • Breakfast Basics for Parents

    Even if you eat a healthy morning meal every day, it can be tough to get kids fueled up. Here's how to make breakfast more appealing.

  • Should I Go on a Diet? for Teens

    The best thing to do if you have a question about dieting is to see your doctor.

  • Safety Tips: Cheerleading for Teens

    Cheerleading today requires considerable athletic ability. The more challenging it gets, the greater the risk of getting hurt. Find out how to avoid injuries.

  • Go, Slow, and Whoa! A Kid's Guide to Eating Right for Kids

    Want to eat healthier? It's easy when you learn the difference between Go, Slow, and Whoa foods!

  • Overweight and Obesity for Parents

    Preventing kids from becoming overweight means making choices in the way your family eats and exercises, and how you spend time together.

  • Safety Tips: Gymnastics for Teens

    Gymnastics is a great sport and a fun way to get a muscular, toned body. But, it also presents a very real risk of injury. To keep things safe during practice and competition, follow these tips.

  • Words to Know (Special Health Care Needs Glossary) for Parents

    This glossary defines terms on health care, government benefits, learning, legal and financial matters, and more.

  • Feeding Your Family on a Tight Budget for Parents

    Everyone needs enough healthy food, but many people can't get it all the time. Here are programs that can help.