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You searched for: normal-brief
  • When Can Teens Go Back to Sports After a Concussion? for Teens

    As long as people play sports, there will be concussions from time to time. Find out how to protect yourself and when it's safe to return to sports after a concussion.

  • Childhood Stress: How Parents Can Help for Parents

    Stress is a normal response to changes and challenges. And life is full of those, even during childhood. Here are tips for parents on helping kids cope with normal stress and how to tell when stress is serious.

  • Cancer: Readjusting to Home and School for Teens

    If you've just finished a long hospital stay, you may have questions about reconnecting with friends and family. Get answers in this article for teens.

  • Varicocele for Teens

    A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins in the scrotum. Although there is no way to prevent a varicocele, it usually needs no special treatment.

  • Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy for Parents

    Kids with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy have myoclonic seizures that usually begin during the teenage years. Seizures may happen less often in adulthood, but medicine will likely be needed for life.

  • Fears and Phobias for Teens

    Fear is a normal human reaction that protects us by signaling danger and preparing us to deal with it. Get the facts about fears and phobias and what causes them.

  • Heart Transplant for Parents

    If your child needs a heart transplant, you're probably feeling lots of emotions. Fortunately, many kids who undergo heart transplants go on to live normal, healthy lives.

  • The Ponseti Method: Bracing Phase for Parents

    The Ponseti method to treat clubfoot is done in two phases – the casting phase gradually moves the foot to the correct position, and the bracing phase makes sure it stays there. Learn about bracing.

  • Sleep and Your 4- to 7-Month-Old for Parents

    By this age, your baby should be on the way to having a regular sleep pattern, sleeping longer at night, and taking 2 or 3 naps during the day.

  • Epilepsy Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about epilepsy, and what they can do to help students with the condition succeed in school.