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You searched for: expert-coping
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for Parents

    Kids and teens who live through a traumatic event can develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Healing is possible with the help of professional counseling and support from loved ones.

  • Emily's Story: Little Person, Big Life (Dwarfism) for Kids

    Emily was adopted from Russia, where she was born with a type of dwarfism. In this video, she talks about how she handles the challenge of being smaller than most people.

  • Dwarfism: Emily's Story (Video) for Teens

    Emily was adopted from Russia, where she was born with a type of dwarfism. In this video, she talks about her life philosophy and how she overcame the many hurdles she faced.

  • Telling Your Child a Family Member Has a Serious Illness for Parents

    When a loved one has a serious illness, it can be hard to know how to tell your child. Here are tips on when to talk, what to say, and how to help kids cope.

  • Helping Your Child Heal After Trauma for Parents

    Kids can recover after trauma with help from therapy and extra support and comfort from parents.

  • Grief for Teens

    The death of a loved one can mean a big change in your life. It takes time to cope with your loss and find ways to adapt.

  • How Negative Emotions Help for Teens

    All emotions tell us something about ourselves and our situation, even negative ones. Find out how they can be helpful.

  • Tourette Syndrome for Parents

    Tourette syndrome is a condition that causes uncontrolled sudden, repetitive muscle movements and sounds known as tics.

  • What Can I Do to Become Taller? for Teens

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Your Diabetes Health Care Team for Teens

    It takes all of your team members — you, your parents, doctors, dietitians, and mental health pros — to help you take care of your diabetes.