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You searched for: donating
  • Donating Blood for Teens

    There's a 97% chance that someone you know will need a blood transfusion. Blood donors — especially donors with certain blood types — are always in demand. Find out what's involved in this article for teens.

  • Can I Donate Blood After Having Hepatitis B? for Teens

    People infected with hepatitis B can pass it to others through blood, so anyone who has ever tested positive for it can't donate blood.

  • What Are Blood Banks? for Kids

    Blood banks collect and store blood, which healthy people donate.

  • Blood Transfusions for Teens

    Millions of people a year get blood transfusions in the United States. This article explains why people need them and who donates the blood used.

  • Blood Transfusions for Parents

    A blood transfusion is a safe and relatively simple medical procedure that replaces blood lost during surgery or because of an injury or illness.

  • Biobanks for Parents

    A biobank is a special lab that stores samples donated by patients. Scientists use them to study what causes a sickness or disease and to find treatments.

  • Cord Blood Banking for Parents

    Should you bank your newborn's cord blood? This article can help you decide.

  • Blood Types for Teens

    Blood might look the same and do the same job, but tiny cell markers mean one person's body can reject another person's blood. Find out how blood types work in this article for teens.

  • Is It Normal to Feel Sick During a Blood Draw? for Teens

    During a blood draw, some people might have a vasovagal reaction. Learn more.

  • Disasters: How to Help for Teens

    Many people find the best way to deal with the news of a tragedy is to help. Find out what you can do.