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  • How the Body Works Scavenger Hunt Answer Sheet for Kids

    Check here for answers when you're done with the How the Body Works Scavenger Hunt!

  • Red Meat Allergy for Parents

    A red meat allergy is a food allergy that can happen after a tick bite when a person eats red meat or something made from mammals.

  • Tick Removal: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents

    It's important to remove a tick as soon as possible. Follow these steps.

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever for Parents

    Rocky Mountain spotted fever is an infection spread by ticks. Find out more about it - including how to prevent it.

  • Wheat Allergy for Parents

    Wheat allergy can cause serious reactions. Find out how to help kids with an allergy stay safe.

  • Egg Allergy for Parents

    Helping your child manage an egg allergy means reading food labels carefully, being aware of what he or she eats, and carrying the right medicines in case of an allergic reaction.

  • Peanut Allergy for Parents

    If your child is allergic to nuts or peanuts, it's essential to learn what foods might contain them and how to avoid them.

  • Tree Nut Allergy for Parents

    Sometimes people outgrow some food allergies over time, but tree nut allergies are lifelong in many people.

  • Soy Allergy for Parents

    Soy is found in many foods and it's a common food allegy. Find out how to help kids with an allergy stay safe.

  • Milk Allergy in Infants for Parents

    Almost all infants are fussy at times. But some are very fussy because they have an allergy to the protein in cow's milk, which is the basis for most commercial baby formulas.