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You searched for: weight'-matter
  • Stress Less Over Tests for Teens

    Find out how to handle the stress that comes with tests.

  • Bipolar Disorder for Teens

    Bipolar disorder causes extreme ups and downs in a person’s mood and energy. With the right treatment, people with bipolar can learn to manage their moods.

  • Can Having Sex While Standing Up Help Prevent Pregnancy? for Teens

    No matter how or where a couple has sex — whether they're standing up or any other way — a girl can get pregnant.

  • How Can I Tell if My Baby Is Constipated? for Parents

    A baby probably isn't constipated if their stool (poop) is soft, no matter how often the bowel movements happen or if the baby strains to pass them.

  • Texting on the Move for Teens

    You've heard the warnings about texting and driving, but it's also risky to text and walk. Read our tips for safe texting.

  • How Can Social Connection Reduce Loneliness? for Teens

    Social connection means feelings of closeness, bonding, and belonging. Increasing social connection can help reduce loneliness. Find out how..

  • Help With Hives for Kids

    Hives are red, itchy blotches that can appear because of an allergic reaction. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Teaching Kids About Their Bodies for Parents

    Teaching kids about their bodies and what is private can help them develop healthy feelings about their bodies in age-appropriate ways.

  • 5 Ways to Know Your Feelings Better for Teens

    Emotional awareness (knowing what we feel and why) helps us learn about ourselves and build good relationships. Here are 5 ways to get more in touch with your emotions.

  • Bike Safety for Parents

    Bike riding is a great way to get exercise and share time as a family. But there's an important factor that you need to consider - safety.