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You searched for: need-retainer
  • Communication and Your 6- to 12-Year-Old for Parents

    Communicating with a child is one of the most pleasurable and rewarding experiences for both parent and child. Learn how to connect with your 6- to 12-year-old.

  • 10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Middle School for Parents

    As students grow more independent during middle school, it can be a challenge for parents to know how to stay involved. Here are 10 tips.

  • Nephrotic Syndrome for Parents

    Nephrotic syndrome happens when tiny filtering units in the kidneys stop working properly. This can cause weight gain and other symptoms. Most kids eventually outgrow it.

  • Sports and Exercise Safety for Teens

    Playing hard doesn't have to mean getting hurt. The best way to ensure a long and injury-free athletic career is to play it safe from the start. Find out how.

  • Puberty & Growing Up for Kids

    For info about your changing body and mind and the kinds of issues that older kids face, this is the place.

  • People, Places & Things That Help for Kids

    Sometimes you need help to stay healthy! Learn about going to the hospital, what a dentist does, how stitches help, and more.

  • Health Problems for Kids

    Even kids can have health problems. Some problems are serious — and some are not so serious. You can get all the info you need about health problems like cancer, asthma, muscular dystrophy, and more.