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You searched for: flying
  • What Is Otalgia? for Kids

    Otalgia means ear pain or an earache.

  • Storytelling for Parents

    Here are some tips for on-the-spot storytelling when you hear your child plead, "I'm bored! Please tell me a story."

  • Splinters for Teens

    It may be tempting to ignore a splinter, especially if it doesn't hurt. But a splinter can become infected, so you should try to get it out as soon as you notice it.

  • Why Do I Get an Electric Shock? for Kids

    Zap! You touched the doorknob and got a shock. Why does that happen? Find out in this article for kids.

  • Can Video Games Give People Motion Sickness? for Teens

    Lots of people feel motion sickness while playing video games. Here's why.

  • Sickle Cell Trait: 3 Ways to Stay Healthy for Teens

    If you have sickle cell trait, find out the best way to keep yourself healthy.

  • Jellyfish Stings for Parents

    Ocean dips are a cool part of summer, but jellyfish can spoil the fun. Here's how to handle a sting from by one of these mysterious sea creatures.

  • Preventing Eye Injuries for Parents

    Eye injuries in kids can lead to serious vision problems, even blindness. Wearing protective eyewear can prevent most eye injuries.

  • First-Aid Kit for Parents

    A well-stocked first-aid kit, kept in easy reach, is a necessity in every home. Learn where you should keep a kit and what to put in it.

  • Hey! A Louse Bit Me! for Kids

    Lice need to suck blood to survive, and they sometimes live on people's heads and lay eggs in their hair. Get the lowdown on lice in this article.