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You searched for: becoming-parents
  • A to Z: Rash, Diaper for Parents

    Diaper rash is a very common condition that can cause a baby's skin to become sore, red, and tender.

  • Helping Kids Enjoy Reading for Parents

    For many kids, reading doesn't come easily. But these simple steps can help them become eager readers.

  • Female Reproductive System for Teens

    Why do girls get periods? What goes on when a woman gets pregnant? What can go wrong with the female reproductive system? Find the answers to these questions and more in this article for teens.

  • Male Reproductive System for Teens

    What makes up a guy's reproductive system and how does it develop? Find the answers to these questions and more.

  • Rickets for Parents

    Rickets is when bones become soft and weak, usually because a child doesn't get enough vitamin D. Most kids with rickets get better with treatment.

  • First Aid: Chickenpox for Parents

    Chickenpox (varicella) has become less common in the U.S. due to the chickenpox vaccine, but it can easily spread from one person to another.

  • Naps for Parents

    A good nap can keep kids from becoming overtired, which not only takes a toll on their moods but might make it harder for them to fall asleep at night.

  • Ectopic Pregnancy for Parents

    In an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg has implanted outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. If undiagnosed, as the pregnancy grows, it can burst the organ that contains it and endanger the mother's life.

  • Eczema for Teens

    Eczema is a common skin problem. Find out more about it and how you can deal with the skin stress.

  • Achilles Tendonitis for Teens

    If the tendon just above your heel becomes swollen or irritated due to overuse, it can lead to a painful condition called Achilles tendonitis. Find out how to treat it - and prevent it.