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You searched for: anesthesia-types
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery for Parents

    Minimally invasive surgery is a type of procedure done with smaller incisions (cuts).

  • Pectus Excavatum: The Nuss Procedure for Parents

    The Nuss procedure is a surgery to correct severe pectus excavatum. It’s considered "minimally invasive" because only a few small cuts are needed.

  • Cardiac Stents for Parents

    Cardiac stents are very small mesh wire tubes that hold blood vessels open so that blood can flow through the vessels normally. Find out about the procedure to place a stent.

  • The Ravitch Procedure for Parents

    The Ravitch procedure is a surgery to correct severe pectus carinatum and pectus excavatum.

  • Having Your Tonsils Taken Out for Kids

    Sometimes tonsils need to be removed, but how is it done? Find out in this article for kids.

  • Spinal Fusion Surgery for Teens

    A spinal fusion is a surgical procedure that's done to stabilize or straighten the bones in the back. It can help some teens with scoliosis.

  • Umbilical Hernias for Parents

    An umbilical hernia shows up as a bump under the belly button. If a hernia doesn't go away by age 4 or 5 or causes problems, doctors may recommend surgery.

  • Tonsillectomy for Parents

    A tonsillectomy is surgery to remove the tonsils. It's one of the most common surgeries kids and teens get. Find out more.

  • Varicocele for Teens

    A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins in the scrotum. Although there is no way to prevent a varicocele, it usually needs no special treatment.

  • Erythema Multiforme for Parents

    By the looks of the "bulls-eye" marks this rash leaves on the skin, you might think it's cause for concern. But erythema multiforme clears up on its own within a few weeks.