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You searched for: active-outdoors
  • Heat Illness for Parents

    Active kids can be at risk for heat illness, which can result in heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke. Learn how to prevent and treat heat illness.

  • Safe Exploring for Preschoolers for Parents

    Kids ages 3-5 have tons of energy and are eager to walk, run, dance, and play. It's a great age for exploration too.

  • Safety Tips: Ice Skating for Parents

    Ice skating is fun but injuries are a risk. Help your kids follow these safety tips to learn how to skate safely.

  • Dealing With Triggers: Pollen for Parents

    If pollen makes your child's asthma or allergies worse, learn how to limit exposure it.

  • 5 Ways to Beat Summer Weight Gain for Teens

    Surprisingly, summer can be a time when people gain weight, not lose it. These tips help you stay on track.

  • Choosing the Right Sport for You for Teens

    If you're having trouble choosing a sport, this article can help!

  • Tanning for Teens

    The sun can do a lot more than just give you a warm summer glow. Get the facts on sun and skin damage - and what you can do to protect yourself and still look tan.

  • Chigger Bites for Parents

    Chiggers are tiny red mites whose bites aren't painful but do cause intense itching. Home care can help the itchiness.

  • Air Pollution and Asthma for Parents

    Ground-level ozone and other air pollutants can trigger asthma flare-ups. But there are steps you can take to minimize your child's exposure.

  • What Is Asthma? for Parents

    Asthma makes it hard to breathe. But with treatment, the condition can be managed so that kids can still do the things they love. Learn all about asthma.