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You searched for: when-breakfast
  • Egg Allergy for Kids

    Babies sometimes have an allergic reaction to eggs. If that happens, they can't eat eggs for a while. But the good news is that most kids outgrow this allergy by age 5.

  • Overweight and Obesity for Parents

    Preventing kids from becoming overweight means making choices in the way your family eats and exercises, and how you spend time together.

  • Staying at a Healthy Weight for Teens

    Here are some practical, everyday tips on making exercise and healthy eating work for you instead of feeling like it's the other way around.

  • Nutrition & Fitness (Topic Center) for Kids

    Want to know more about eating right and being active? This is the place!

  • Going Back to School for Kids

    There's a lot of "new" in the first day of school. New teachers, new friends, new shoes, new notebooks, and sometimes, a new school. Find out more about going back to school in this article for kids.

  • Go, Slow, and Whoa! A Kid's Guide to Eating Right for Kids

    Want to eat healthier? It's easy when you learn the difference between Go, Slow, and Whoa foods!

  • Being a Vegetarian for Teens

    People choose vegetarianism for a variety of reasons. This article describes different types of vegetarianism and provides advice on ways for vegetarians to get all the nutrients they need.

  • Eating Smart When Your Child Has Diabetes for Parents

    Kids with diabetes don't have to follow a special diabetes diet, but they may need to pay more attention to when they eat and how much is on their plates.

  • Diabetes: Eating Smart for Teens

    People with diabetes don't need to be on strict diets, but do need to pay attention to what they eat and when. Crack open the cookbooks and surf to your favorite recipe website because it's time to plan meals that you love!

  • Optimism for Teens

    Optimists see the good in things -- and science has discovered that optimists can do better in life. The good news is, even pessimists can be more optimistic. Find out how.