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You searched for: store-ben
  • Melatonin Supplements for Parents

    If your child has trouble sleeping, you may wonder if melatonin can help. Here's why you should probably avoid it.

  • Taking Care of Your Grandchildren for Parents

    When you take care of your grandkids, you're probably excited to put your own parenting experience to good use. But there are a few childcare basics to brush up on.

  • Well-Child Visit: 1 Month for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your baby might be doing by the first month.

  • Should I Pop My Pimple? for Teens

    It's tempting, but should you pop that pimple? Find out.

  • COVID-19: Kids and Masks for Parents

    Wearing masks helps to slow the spread of COVID-19. Some toddlers and young children may feel uneasy about masks. Here's how to reassure your child.

  • Norovirus for Parents

    Norovirus is a virus that causes diarrhea and vomiting. Most norovirus infections get better on their own with home care.

  • Walking Pneumonia for Parents

    Many kids with this milder version of pneumonia feel well enough to go to school. But it's important to keep kids home until after treatment kicks in and symptoms improve.

  • Healthy Eating for Parents

    Good nutrition and a balanced diet help kids grow up healthy. Here's how to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits.

  • Well-Child Visit: Newborn for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve after your baby arrives.

  • Using Medicines During Pregnancy for Parents

    Many medicines shouldn't be used during pregnancy, but others are OK.