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You searched for: safety-baseball
  • Proximal Biceps Tendonitis for Teens

    In teens, biceps tendonitis is usually an overuse injury that causes tendons in the upper arm to be swollen or irritated. Most cases heal on their own if you follow a few guidelines from your doctor.

  • Preventing Eye Injuries for Parents

    Eye injuries in kids can lead to serious vision problems, even blindness. Wearing protective eyewear can prevent most eye injuries.

  • Stretching for Teens

    You may have heard mixed things about stretching before working out. Here are the cold, hard facts on warming up, stretching, and cooling down.

  • Little League Elbow for Parents

    Little League elbow is an overuse injury to the elbow caused by repetitive throwing. Most cases happen in pitchers, but any young athlete who throws a lot can get the condition.

  • What If I Don't Like Sports? for Kids

    Sports can be challenging when you're new to them, but they also can be really fun. Take a second look at sports - and learn other ways to be active - in this article for kids.

  • Kids & Sports (Topic Center) for Parents

    Get tips on everything from finding the best sport for your kids to preventing and handling injuries.

  • Ear Injuries for Parents

    Ear injuries not only can affect a child's hearing, but sense of balance too. That's because our ears also help keep us steady on our feet.

  • Fitness for Kids Who Don't Like Sports for Parents

    Some kids aren't natural athletes and they may say they just don't like sports. What then?

  • Sports Medicine (Topic Center) for Teens

    This page has tips to prepare you for a new season, handle sports pressure, stay motivated, and avoid or heal from injuries.

  • Panner's Disease for Parents

    Panner's disease is a painful bone condition linked to overuse of the elbow. Kids with Panner's disease need to avoid all activities that cause pain so the bone can heal.