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  • Health Care Providers: Pathologists for Parents

    A pathologist is a doctor who examines and interprets laboratory samples to find the causes of conditions, diseases, and sometimes deaths.

  • Glasses and Contact Lenses for Kids

    Sometimes the different parts of the eye don't work together the way they should. When this happens, people wear glasses or contact lenses. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • EMG (Electromyogram) for Parents

    Is your child scheduled to have an EMG? Find out how this test is performed and when you can expect the results.

  • What's the Retina? for Kids

    The retina is at the back of your eye and it has light-sensitive cells called rods and cones.

  • What's the Nervous System? for Kids

    The nervous system controls everything you do, including breathing, walking, thinking, and feeling.

  • What's a Cochlear Implant? (Video) for Parents

    A cochlear implant is a surgically placed device that helps a person with severe hearing loss hear sounds. Doctors consider cochlear implants for children under 12 months of age with profound hearing loss in both ears. Older children with serious hearing loss also may get cochlear implants.

  • What Is a BMI Report Card? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) for Teens

    One of the biggest questions guys and girls have as they grow and develop is whether they're the right weight. One place to start is by learning about body mass index, or BMI.

  • Ears for Parents

    Hearing may be the ears' main job, but it's not all they do. Learn all about the ears in this Body Basics article.

  • COVID-19: Antibody Testing for Parents

    Antibody testing for COVID-19 involves taking a small blood sample to check for antibodies that the body may have made to fight the virus.