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You searched for: getting-muscles
  • What Are Kegel Exercises? for Parents

    Doing Kegel exercises during pregnancy can help reduce incontinence (when pee leaks) caused by the weight of the baby on the bladder.

  • Spinal Cord Injuries for Parents

    A spinal cord injury is when the spinal cord gets cut, bruised, stretched, or poked. It can change the way the body moves, feels, and functions.

  • Steroids for Parents

    Get the facts about steroids, their side effects, and why kids and teens might try them.

  • EMG (Electromyogram) for Parents

    Is your child scheduled to have an EMG? Find out how this test is performed and when you can expect the results.

  • What Makes Me Sneeze? for Kids

    If you just sneezed, something was probably irritating or tickling the inside of your nose. Learn more about why you sneeze in this article for kids.

  • First Aid: Strains and Sprains for Parents

    Here's what to do if you think your child has pulled or torn a muscle, ligament, or tendon.

  • A to Z: Dermatomyositis for Parents

    Learn about dermatomyositis, an inflammatory muscle disease that weakens muscles and produces a distinctive skin rash.

  • Kids and Exercise for Parents

    Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit are better able to handle physical and emotional challenges.

  • Sports Supplements for Teens

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. Lots of people who want to improve their performance have questions about how supplements work and whether they're safe.

  • Sports Supplements for Parents

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. But there aren't enough long-term studies to know if they're safe for teens.