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  • What Are Cocaine & Crack? for Parents

    Cocaine and crack are illegal drugs that produce an intense high and can cause a stroke, heart attack, or even death.

  • A to Z: Alpha Thalassemia for Parents

    Learn about genetic disorders and diseases and conditions that affect the blood.

  • Anxiety for Teens

    Anxiety is a natural part of life, and most of us experience it from time to time. Find out about normal anxiety and learn when anxiety can develop into a problem for some people.

  • A to Z: Jaundice for Parents

    Learn about jaundice, when the skin and whites of the eyes appear yellow due to excess bilirubin in the blood.

  • Should I Pop My Pimple? for Teens

    It's tempting, but should you pop that pimple? Find out.

  • When Will I Start Developing? for Teens

    Lots of girls and guys worry about when their bodies will develop. The fact is that physical development starts at different times and moves along at different rates in normal kids.

  • How Long Does it Take for a Broken Bone to Heal? for Parents

    How long does a broken bone take to heal? Find out!

  • The 5-Second Rule for Kids

    Did you ever eat something off the floor? Uh-oh. Time to read this article for kids about the 5-second rule.

  • A to Z: Alopecia Areata for Parents

    Alopecia areata is a condition that causes hair loss on the scalp and sometimes elsewhere on the body.

  • A to Z: Beta Thalassemia for Parents

    Learn about genetic disorders and diseases and conditions that affect the blood.