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You searched for: nurse-practitioner
  • Can a Doctor Tell During Your Pelvic Exam if You've Had Sex? for Teens

    Most of the time, a doctor can't tell if a girl has had sex just from a pelvic exam. But you should let your doctor know if you've had sex anyway. Here's why.

  • Adolescent Medicine Specialists for Teens

    Adolescent medicine doctors are specialists who have extra training in the medical and emotional issues that many teens face.

  • Concussions for Parents

    Concussions are serious injuries that can be even more serious if kids don't get the time and rest needed to heal them completely.

  • Your Daughter's First Gynecology Visit for Parents

    The idea of going to the gynecologist may make your daughter feel nervous. Here's how to make her feel more comfortable about a well-woman visit.

  • Does My Mom Have to Be in the Room During My Gyn Exam? for Teens

    It's up to you if your mom stays in the room with you during a gyn exam.

  • Feeding Your Newborn for Parents

    These guidelines on breastfeeding and bottle feeding can help you know what's right for you and your baby.

  • My Doctor Is a Different Gender. What Do I Do? for Kids

    It can feel strange to take off your clothes at the doctor's office. But your doctor does need to examine you to make sure you are healthy. Here's some advice.

  • Health Care Providers: Physician Assistants (PAs) for Parents

    Physician assistants (PA) work together with doctors to give medical care. They do much of the patient care that doctors do.

  • Pap Smears for Teens

    A Pap smear is a medical test that helps doctors figure out if there are any problems with a girl's cervix. Find out what happens during a Pap smear.

  • Breast Exams for Teens

    It's rare for teen girls to have breast problems. But sometimes a doctor or nurse might think a breast exam is a good idea. Find out why, as well as what's involved in a breast exam.

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