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You searched for: stroke
  • A to Z: Congestive Heart Failure for Parents

    In this condition, which can affect a child's breathing, activity, and growth, the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently and meet the needs of the body.

  • A to Z: Paresthesia for Parents

    Parathesia is a burning, prickling, itching, or tingling "pins and needles" skin sensation. Anyone who has had a foot "fall asleep" has experienced temporary paresthesia.

  • Ultrasound: Transcranial Doppler for Parents

    A transcranial Doppler ultrasound uses sound waves to evaluate blood flow (blood circulation) in and around the brain. Doctors order this test to check blood vessels when a problem is affecting blood flow to the brain.

  • A to Z: Sickle Cell Disease for Parents

    Learn about genetic disorders and diseases and conditions that affect the blood.

  • A to Z: Sturge-Weber Syndrome for Parents

    Learn about this genetic disorder that can cause a birthmark on the face called a port-wine stain, as well as other symptoms.

  • Health Care Providers: Neurologists for Parents

    A neurologist is a doctor who studies, diagnoses, and treats diseases and conditions that affect the brain.

  • Cardiac Arrest for Parents

    Cardiac arrest is when changes in the normal electrical activity of the heart make it suddenly stop beating. Quick medical care is essential.

  • Words to Know (Heart Glossary) for Parents

    A guide to medical terms about the heart and circulatory system. In an easy A-Z format, find definitions on heart defects, heart conditions, treatments, and more.

  • A to Z: Atrial Flutter for Parents

    Atrial flutter is an abnormal heart rhythm that causes the heart to beat too fast.

  • Cardiac Stents for Parents

    Cardiac stents are very small mesh wire tubes that hold blood vessels open so that blood can flow through the vessels normally. Find out about the procedure to place a stent.

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