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You searched for: word-adhd
  • XYY Syndrome for Parents

    XYY syndrome is a rare genetic condition that affects only males. Boys who have it may be taller than average, but the symptoms can vary greatly.

  • School-Based Health Centers for Parents

    School-based health centers provide a range of services to meet kids' and teens' health care needs. Centers usually are inside a school building or right next door.

  • 504 Education Plans for Parents

    Kids who have special needs in the classroom may be eligible for a government-supported learning plan.

  • Binge Eating Disorder for Teens

    Binge eating is a type of eating disorder. This article explains what it is, how to recognize it, and how to get help.

  • Turner Syndrome for Parents

    Girls with Turner syndrome, a genetic condition, usually are shorter than average and infertile due to early loss of ovarian function. Early diagnosis and treatments can help most of them.

  • Binge Eating Disorder for Parents

    Kids who eat unusually large amounts of food - and feel guilty or secretive about it - could be struggling with binge eating disorder.

  • Turner Syndrome for Teens

    Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects about 1 in every 2,500 girls. Learn more about the condition and how doctors treat it.

  • Bedwetting (Nocturnal Enuresis) for Teens

    Bedwetting can be embarrassing and upsetting for teens, but there are effective ways to correct the problem and scientists are constantly developing new treatments.

  • Prescription Drug Abuse for Teens

    Like all drug abuse, using prescription drugs for the wrong reasons has serious risks for a person's health.

  • Eating Disorders for Teens

    Eating disorders are problems that affect a person’s eating behaviors as well as attitudes and feelings about food and their body. This article for teens describes how different eating disorders impact a person's health and emotions.

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