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You searched for: protein
  • Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers for Parents

    This recipe is especially for kids who must avoid gluten, a type of protein found in many foods.

  • Tropical Ball of Cheese for Parents

    This recipe is especially for kids who must avoid gluten, a type of protein found in many foods.

  • Potato Dumpling Soup for Parents

    This recipe is especially for kids who must avoid gluten, a type of protein found in many foods.

  • Quesadillas for Parents

    This recipe is especially for kids who must avoid gluten, a type of protein found in many foods.

  • Yogurt on the Go for Parents

    This recipe is especially for kids who must avoid gluten, a type of protein found in many foods.

  • Southwestern Casserole for Parents

    This recipe is especially for kids who must avoid gluten, a type of protein found in many foods.

  • What Is a Gene? for Kids

    Why does one kid have green eyes while another kid's eyes are brown? It's all in the genes! Find out how genes work, what happens when there are problems with genes, and more.

  • Milk Allergy in Infants for Parents

    Almost all infants are fussy at times. But some are very fussy because they have an allergy to the protein in cow's milk, which is the basis for most commercial baby formulas.

  • MyPlate Food Guide for Parents

    The USDA's food guide icon is designed to make meal planning easy. Here's how to get MyPlate onto your table.

  • Ataxia-Telangiectasia for Parents

    Ataxia telangiectasia is a rare genetic condition. Children with the condition have uncoordinated movements that get worse over time.

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