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You searched for: map
  • What Are Veins and Arteries? for Kids

    If you've ever seen a road map, you probably saw many roads going here, there, and everywhere.

  • Plastic Bronchitis for Parents

    Plastic bronchitis happens when fluid collects in the lungs. Instead of draining out, it leaks into the airways and forms rubbery plugs called casts.

  • Genetics for Parents

    Genetics is the study of genes, which carry information that gets passed from one generation to the next.

  • Genes and Genetics for Teens

    Genes play an important role in how we look and act, and even in whether we get sick. This article gives the lowdown on genes, genetic disorders, and new research into gene therapy.

  • What Are Varicose Veins? for Kids

    Do you know an older person whose legs look like a road map with all those blue and purple squiggly lines? They're probably varicose veins.

  • Extracurricular Activities for Teens

    Joining a club or team is a fun way to try new things, meet people, and be active. Learn more about the basics and benefits of getting involved.

  • Road Trip Fun for Kids

    Are you ready for a road trip? Find out how to pass the time in this article for kids.

  • Health Care Providers: Geneticists for Parents

    A geneticist is a doctor who specializes in the study of genetics and family traits.

  • Road Tripping for Teens

    Whether you're driving your friends to the beach for the day or going on vacation with your family, read these tips for surviving road trips.

  • Road Trip Boredom Busters for Parents

    Road trips can be fun and educational with just a little planning and preparation. Here are some ideas to get your family revved up for a trip long on smiles and short on frustration.

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