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You searched for: eczema
  • Medical Care and Your 1- to 3-Month-Old for Parents

    You probably have lots of questions about your baby's health. When should you call the doctor, and what medical care should you expect for your baby at this age?

  • Swimmer's Ear (Otitis Externa) for Parents

    Swimmer's ear is an infection of the ear canal caused by many types of bacteria or fungi. Find out how to prevent it.

  • Cushing Syndrome for Parents

    Cushing syndrome can happen when there are too many glucocorticoid hormones in the body.

  • Impetigo for Teens

    Impetigo is a skin infection caused by fairly common bacteria. Read this article to learn how to recognize it and what to do about it.

  • Chickenpox (Varicella) for Parents

    Chickenpox used to be common in kids, causing a very itchy red rash all over the body. But the good news is that a vaccine can prevent most cases.

  • Food Allergies (Topic Center) for Parents

    Food allergies can be serious, so it's very important to quickly identify and treat reactions. Learn about food allergies here so you know what to do when a child has a food allergy.

  • 10 Tips for Better Skin Without Pricey Products for Teens

    Using skincare products just because other people are can harm your skin and cost a lot. Save your money and try these 10 tips to look and feel your best.

  • What's a Rash? for Kids

    A rash is when skin gets irritated — red, bumpy, scaly, blistered, or itchy. Lots of things can cause rashes.

  • What's Dermatitis? for Kids

    Dermatitis is an irritation or swelling of the skin; in other words, a skin rash.

  • Asthma (Topic Center) for Parents

    Asthma keeps more kids home from school than any other chronic illness. Learn how to help your child manage the condition, stay healthy, and stay in school.

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