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You searched for: couples
  • Birth Control Patch for Teens

    Before you consider having sex, you need to know how to protect yourself. Learn what the birth control patch is, how well it works, and more.

  • Birth Control: Implantable Contraception for Parents

    Learn what implantable contraception is, how well it works, and more.

  • Birth Control Shot for Teens

    Before you consider having sex, you need to know how to protect yourself. Read this article about the birth control shot and find out how it works - and how well.

  • Am I Depressed? for Teens

    When a sad feeling lasts for a couple weeks or longer, or is affecting your daily life, it could be a sign of depression.

  • Leaving Your Child Home Alone for Parents

    It's natural for parents to be a bit anxious when first leaving kids without supervision. But you can feel prepared and confident with some planning and a couple of trial runs.

  • Emergency Contraception for Teens

    Emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex; for example, if a condom breaks or slips off during sex. It is also available to teens who are forced to have unprotected sex.

  • Birth Control: Birth Control Rings for Parents

    Talking to your kids about sex can be daunting. But discussing issues like abstinence, STDs, and birth control can help lower teens' risk of unintended pregnancy or contracting an STD.

  • Parenting Multiples for Parents

    Parents of twins (or more!) can feel as if they've left the hospital and arrived home on a different planet. Here's how to cope.

  • Implantable Contraception for Teens

    Before you consider having sex, you need to know how to protect yourself. Find out what implantable contraception is, how well it works, and more.

  • The IUD for Teens

    Before you consider having sex, you need to know how to protect yourself. Learn more about the IUD and to find out how well it works for teens.

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