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You searched for: coach
  • Asthma and Sports Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers and coaches need to know about student-athletes with asthma.

  • Asthma: Exercise-Induced Asthma Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers and coaches should know about students with exercise-induced asthma (EIA).

  • Safety Tips: Cheerleading for Teens

    Cheerleading today requires considerable athletic ability. The more challenging it gets, the greater the risk of getting hurt. Find out how to avoid injuries.

  • Diabetes and Sports Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers and coaches should know about students with diabetes playing sports and exercising.

  • Teaching Your Child to Be a Good Sport for Parents

    One of the most important goals of kids' sports is helping children develop a sense of good sportsmanship. Here's how to set a good example for your kids.

  • Safety Tips: Gymnastics for Teens

    Gymnastics is a great sport and a fun way to get a muscular, toned body. But, it also presents a very real risk of injury. To keep things safe during practice and competition, follow these tips.

  • School and Diabetes for Parents

    When kids with diabetes attend school, parents should discuss the condition with teachers, school staff, and coaches. Here are some tips on what to cover.

  • How to Compete in Sports for Kids

    Sometimes sports competition can make kids feel pressure. If it's too much, a kid might not have as much fun as before. Find out what to do if this happens to you.

  • Safety Tips: Football for Parents

    Football is a lot of fun, but injuries are common. To keep things as safe as possible on the gridiron, players should follow these tips.

  • Safety Tips: Football for Teens

    Football is a lot of fun, but since the name of the game is to hit somebody, injuries are common. To keep things as safe as possible, follow these tips.

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