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Medical Care and Your 1- to 2-Year-Old
Well-Child Visits
The toddler months can bring the medical challenges of colds, scrapes and bruises, and other minor emergencies. You'll also find yourself dealing with an emerging personality and increasing conflicts.
Your child will see the doctor four times for routine well visits during this period, at 12, 15, 18, and 24 months. If your toddler has missed any vaccines, or if a problem needs special attention, more visits may be scheduled.
What to Expect at the Doctor's Office
The well-child checkups during your child's second year are similar to those before. But talks with your doctor about behavior and habits may get more detailed as your toddler gets older.
Your toddler's checkup will include:
- Measurement of your child's length, weight, and head circumference. Growth will be plotted on the growth chart, and you'll be advised of your toddler's progress.
- A physical exam.
- A review of your toddler's development through both observation and your progress report. Is your tot starting to walk? Scribbling? Following simple instructions? Saying a few words? Combining two words by age 2? The doctor may ask you these questions and others like them.
- The doctor may go over safety questions such as: Have you childproofed your home? (Be sure to review your childproofing efforts now that your toddler can stand and reach.) Is your tot in a safety seat while riding in the car?
- A discussion of your child's eating habits. Are they eating a variety of foods? Finger feeding or using a spoon? Being weaned from the breast or bottle? Most doctors advise a switch from bottle to cup between 12 and 18 months.
- Advice on what to expect in the coming months.
- Some vaccines.
If they haven't already, kids this age might be tested for tuberculosis if they're at risk of getting infected. Your doctor may recommend a blood test to check for anemia and lead poisoning.
Bring up any questions or concerns you have, and write down any instructions the doctor gives you about special care. Keep updating your child's medical record, listing information on growth and any problems or illnesses.
Which Vaccines Will My Child Get?
A child who did not have them at the 12-month visit will get these vaccines at 15 months:
- the third or fourth Hib vaccine, depending on the manufacturer
- measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine
- chickenpox (varicella) vaccine
- the fourth pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
- the fourth diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccine
- the first hepatitis A (HepA) vaccine, which may be given at 12 months of age or older
At the 18-month visit, if not already been given, children should get:
- the fourth DTaP vaccine
- the third hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine, which can be given starting at 6 months
- the third inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), which can be given starting at 6 months
The annual flu vaccine is recommended for all kids ages 6 months and older, as is an updated COVID-19 vaccine. If your child is at high risk for developing meningococcal disease, a serious infection that can lead to bacterial meningitis, your doctor may offer the meningococcal vaccine as well. Kids who are at high risk of getting very sick with RSV can get a shot to protect them from the virus during RSV season.
Discuss possible vaccine reactions with your doctor and get advice on when to call with any problems.
Developmental Progress
At the 18-month visit, toddlers get a screening test to help identify any developmental delays or autism.
There is a wide range of normal when it comes to reaching developmental milestones. But by 18 months, most toddlers:
- walk on their own
- speak at least 15 words
By age 2, toddlers should be able to:
- put two words together to form a sentence
- follow simple directions
- imitate actions
- push and pull a toy
Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about your child's development.
When Should I Call the Doctor?
By now you have probably called your doctor's office many times with questions and concerns about your child's health. Call the doctor if you think that something is wrong — you know your child best.
And always call the doctor if your child has a fever, is acting sick, has serious problems sleeping, is refusing all food or drink, is vomiting, or has diarrhea.
Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
© 1995- The Nemours Foundation. KidsHealth® is a registered trademark of The Nemours Foundation. All rights reserved.
Images sourced by The Nemours Foundation and Getty Images.
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