
Asthma (Topic Center)

Asthma: Live Your Best Life

Athletes and musicians with asthma prove you can reach any goal. All you need is a good daily care routine (and a stick-to-it mindset, of course).

Asthma 101

  • Take Charge of Flare-Ups

    What should you do if you have a flare-up? How can you tell if it's serious? And how do you prevent flare-ups in the first place?

    Find out here

  • Watch Out for Triggers

    Triggers are things that make a person's asthma worse. Knowing what can trigger flare-ups helps put you in charge of your asthma.

    Learn more

  • Build Good Habits

    Asthma is easier to manage when you develop good daily habits. Here are 7 simple things to do.

    View tips

You Can Do This!

Managing asthma gets easier with practice and experience. These tips can help you own your asthma for the long haul.

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