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From well-child visits to specialized treatment of complex illnesses and injuries, we offer comprehensive care from an exceptional team of doctors, nurses and allied professionals.


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  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) for Parents

    When someone has hypertension (high blood pressure), the heart has to pump harder and the arteries are under more strain as they carry blood.

  • Preventing Injuries From Falling, Climbing, and Grabbing for Parents

    Here's how to help protect kids from a dangerous fall or a tumble into a sharp edge in your home.

  • Cholera for Teens

    Cholera is an intestinal infection that mostly affects people in tropical regions. Find out more about cholera in this article for teens.

  • Nightmares for Parents

    It’s normal for kids to have nightmares occasionally. You can't completely prevent nightmares, but you can help make them less likely and help your child get back to sleep.

  • Preventing House Fires for Parents

    Take the time now to review fire safety facts and tips to prevent fires in your home.

  • Cholera for Parents

    While cholera isn't common in the U.S., it can be a health threat elsewhere. Learn about cholera and how to prevent it.

  • What to Do if You Can't Sleep for Kids

    Are you having trouble sleeping? Find out how to get your ZZZZZs.

  • Headaches for Kids

    Lots of kids have headaches from time to time. Find out more about headaches in this article for kids.

  • Lactose Intolerance for Teens

    If you have lactose intolerance, you're not alone. Lots of people have the condition. Check out these tips on dealing with lactose intolerance.

  • Neurofibromatosis Type 1 for Parents

    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a genetic condition that causes benign tumors in and under the skin, often with bone, hormone, and other problems. Learn more about how it's diagnosed and treated.