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You searched for: chicken-salad
  • Lean Green Pita Dippers for Kids

    This recipe requires some help from an adult.

  • Lean Green Pita Dippers for Parents

    This fun and easy recipe is ready in minutes!

  • Are There Healthy Fast-Food Options? for Teens

    If you like fast food, you can grab a bite in a smart way. Here's how.

  • DASH Diet for High Blood Pressure for Parents

    Doctor may recommend the DASH diet for kids who've had a blood pressure reading that was higher than normal. The DASH diet is not a strict diet, but more of a lifestyle.

  • Salmonella Infections for Parents

    Salmonella infections can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, belly cramps, fever, and headache.

  • Back to School for Teens

    Dread it or love it, you gotta go to school. Looking for ways to make the first day a little less painful? Here are some tips.

  • Salmonellosis for Teens

    People often think of salmonellosis as food poisoning, but food is only one way the bacteria Salmonella can be spread.

  • Recipes for Parents

    Check out these quick and easy recipes for families with all kinds of nutritional needs - from tasty meals and snacks for everyday living to scrumptious recipes geared toward lactose intolerance, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and vegetarianism.

  • Recipes for Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women for Parents

    Check out these nutritious meal ideas created especially for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

  • Recipes for Teens for Teens

    Healthy recipes that teens can make.