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You searched for: retain
  • What Are Retainers? for Kids

    Retainers are really common. In fact, most kids have to wear a retainer for at least a little while after getting their braces taken off. Find out more.

  • What's a Retainer? for Kids

    Your teeth won't go far, but they can move after your braces are removed.

  • Going to the Orthodontist for Kids

    An orthodontist prevents and treats mouth, teeth, and jaw problems using braces, retainers, and other devices.

  • All About Orthodontia for Teens

    Just getting braces and have no idea what to expect? Had braces for a while but wonder what's going on in there? Whatever your situation is, you're not alone: millions of teens have braces.

  • What's an Orthodontist? for Kids

    An orthodontist is a dentist who specializes in making teeth straight, instead of fixing cavities.

  • Braces for Kids

    Braces are a fact of life for many kids. Find out how they work and how to take care of them.

  • Braces for Parents

    Does your child need braces? Find out when braces are necessary, what's involved in caring for them, and how to find low-cost orthodontic care in your area.

  • Communication and Your 6- to 12-Year-Old for Parents

    Communicating with a child is one of the most pleasurable and rewarding experiences for both parent and child. Learn how to connect with your 6- to 12-year-old.

  • A to Z: Quadriplegia for Parents

    Learn about complications of spinal cord injuries and conditions that affect the central nervous system.

  • A to Z: Congestive Heart Failure for Parents

    In this condition, which can affect a child's breathing, activity, and growth, the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently and meet the needs of the body.