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You searched for: know-drug-contain
  • Wheat Allergy for Parents

    Wheat allergy can cause serious reactions. Find out how to help kids with an allergy stay safe.

  • Fish Allergy for Parents

    Fish allergy can cause a serious reaction. Find out how to keep kids safe.

  • Secondhand Smoke for Teens

    Breathing in someone else's secondhand smoke is bad for you. Find out what you can do about it.

  • Egg Allergy for Teens

    Living with an egg allergy means you have to be aware of what you're eating and read food labels carefully. Here are some tips for teens who have an egg allergy.

  • Peanut Allergy for Parents

    If your child is allergic to nuts or peanuts, it's essential to learn what foods might contain them and how to avoid them.

  • Insulin Injections for Parents

    Before giving an insulin injection, know the basics so you can set up and do it safely and with confidence.

  • Food Allergies for Teens

    Doctors are diagnosing more and more people with food allergies. Knowing what to expect and how to deal with food allergies can make a big difference in preventing serious illness.

  • Celiac Disease for Parents

    Celiac disease happens when someone has a food intolerance to gluten. Here's how to manage symptoms and prevent damage to the intestines.

  • Milk Allergy for Teens

    Milk is in all kinds of foods, even things like baked goods. So what should a person who's allergic to milk do?

  • Celiac Disease for Teens

    People who have celiac disease, a disorder that makes their bodies react to gluten, can't eat certain kinds of foods. Find out more - including what foods are safe and where to find them.