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You searched for: feelings-diabetes
  • Helping Your Young Athlete With Type 1 Diabetes for Parents

    Kids with type 1 diabetes can play sports and exercise at the same level as other kids.

  • Your Child's Self-Esteem for Parents

    Kids with self-esteem feel liked, accepted, and confident. Here's how to build healthy self-esteem in your kids.

  • Feeling Good About Yourself (Self-Esteem) for Kids

    Self-confidence and self-esteem are quiet inner strengths. They mean knowing you are a good person – someone who is likable, worthy, and capable.

  • Going to School When You Have Diabetes for Kids

    Are you on your own at school when you're dealing with diabetes? Not at all. Your teachers, coaches, school nurse, and friends can help you out.

  • 5 Ways to Cope With Anxiety for Teens

    Everyone feels worried or nervous at times. Here are 5 tips for teens to help manage anxiety.

  • Tips for Divorcing Parents for Parents

    Every divorce - and every family - is different. But these guidelines might make the change a bit easier.

  • Grief for Teens

    The death of a loved one can mean a big change in your life. It takes time to cope with your loss and find ways to adapt.

  • Stressed About a Test? How to Cope for Kids

    If you feel stressed about a test, you’re not alone. You feel stressed because you care about doing well and you don’t want to do poorly. Here's what to do

  • Testicular Exams for Teens

    You may be wondering why the doctor needs to do a testicular exam. Find out in this article.

  • How Can I Improve My Self-Esteem? for Teens

    We all have problems with self-esteem at certain times in our lives. Here are some tips that might help.