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You searched for: dog-videos
  • Dogs and Preventing Dog Bites for Kids

    Are you a little afraid of dogs? Some kids are, so find out how you can make friends with dogs and avoid dog bites.

  • Preventing Dog Bites for Parents

    Teaching kids a few basic dog manners will help them enjoy safe encounters with Fido.

  • Staying Safe Around Animals for Kids

    Do you love animals? Lots of kids do. Find out how to stay safe around them in this article for kids.

  • Hey! A Tick Bit Me! for Kids

    A tick attaches itself to the skin of a person or animal and sucks blood. If you have a dog, it may have picked up a tick before! Learn more about ticks in this article for kids.

  • Animal Bites and Scratches for Parents

    Animal bites and scratches, even minor ones, can become infected and spread bacteria to other parts of the body, regardless of whether the animal is a family pet or a wild animal.

  • Fears and Phobias for Teens

    Fear is a normal human reaction that protects us by signaling danger and preparing us to deal with it. Get the facts about fears and phobias and what causes them.

  • Rabies for Parents

    Rabies is a serious infection of the nervous system that is caused by a virus. Rabies is usually transmitted by a bite from an infected animal.

  • Visual Impairment for Teens

    When one or more parts of the eye or brain that are needed to process images become diseased or damaged, severe or total loss of vision can occur. Read all about visual impairment.

  • Toxocariasis for Parents

    Toxocara are common parasites of dogs and cats. When they infect humans, the illness is called toxocariasis.

  • Yoga for Teens

    Looking for a workout program that's easy to learn, requires little or no equipment, and soothes your soul while toning your body? Read about yoga - and watch our slideshow for some easy poses to try.