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You searched for: diabet-true-fall
  • What Should I Do If I Can't Sleep? for Teens

    If you find yourself lying awake in bed, try these tips.

  • Balancing Schoolwork and Hospital Stays for Teens

    Every student finds it hard to stay on top of schoolwork sometimes. So what happens when you have to miss a lot of school? This article for teens offers tips and advice.

  • Handling Injuries & Illnesses for Parents

    From minor injuries to medical emergencies, these guides help you deal with common childhood mishaps.

  • First Aid: Nosebleeds for Parents

    Although they can be serious, nosebleeds are common in children ages 3 to 10 years and most stop on their own.

  • First Aid: Seizures for Parents

    Although seizures can be frightening, usually they last only a few minutes, stop on their own, and are almost never life-threatening.

  • Sleep and Your Preschooler for Parents

    Preschoolers sleep about 10 to 13 hours during each 24-hour period, and it's important to help them develop good habits for getting to sleep.

  • Comminuted Fractures for Parents

    A comminuted fracture is a type of broken bone. The bone is broken into more than two pieces.

  • Insomnia in Teens: What Parents Should Know for Parents

    Teens with insomnia have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Here’s how parents can help.

  • Ear Injuries for Parents

    Ear injuries not only can affect a child's hearing, but sense of balance too. That's because our ears also help keep us steady on our feet.

  • Growth Plate Fractures for Parents

    Injuries to growth plates, which produce new bone tissue and determine the final length and shape of bones in adulthood, must be treated so that bones heal properly.