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You searched for: school-diabetes
  • How to Support Someone With Diabetes for Teens

    If you have a classmate, friend, or family member with diabetes, here are some ways to be supportive.

  • Taking Charge of Your Medical Care for Teens

    Figuring out health care is part of becoming an independent adult. Here are tips for teens on what that involves, and how to choose your own doctor.

  • Eating at Restaurants When You Have Diabetes for Teens

    Dining out is probably a part of your social scene. If you have diabetes, you can pretty much eat the same foods as your friends and family. You just have to keep track of what you eat and enjoy certain foods in moderation.

  • Your Diabetes Health Care Team for Teens

    It takes all of your team members — you, your parents, doctors, dietitians, and mental health pros — to help you take care of your diabetes.

  • What Is Type 2 Diabetes? for Teens

    Teens with type 2 diabetes have to pay close attention to what they eat and do.

  • What Is Type 1 Diabetes? for Teens

    Diabetes affects how the body uses glucose, a sugar that is the body's main source of fuel. In type 1 diabetes, glucose can't get into the body's cells where it's needed.

  • Sports, Exercise, and Diabetes for Teens

    Teens with diabetes can exercise and play sports at the same level as everyone else, so whether you want to go for the gold or just go hiking in your hometown, diabetes shouldn't hold you back.

  • When Being Overweight Is a Health Problem for Teens

    A couple of pounds of extra body fat are not a health risk for most people. But when people are severely overweight, it can cause health problems.

  • Fiber for Teens

    Some of the best and most delicious foods have loads of fiber. Find out how to get your fill of fiber!

  • Having a Healthy Pregnancy for Teens

    Whether you feel confused, worried, scared, or excited, you'll want to know how your life will change, what you can do to have a healthy baby.

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