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You searched for: word-cancer
  • What Are Second-Degree Burns? for Kids

    A second-degree burn is one that hurts the top two layers of skin.

  • What Are Boogers? for Kids

    Boogers are made of dried mucus, dust, pollen, and dirt that the nose keeps out of the lungs.

  • What Is Hyperglycemia? for Kids

    Glucose (a type of sugar) is the body's main energy source. Hyperglycemia occurs when the levels get too high.

  • What Is Hypoglycemia? for Kids

    Glucose (a type of sugar) is the body's main energy source. Hypoglycemia occurs when the levels get too low.

  • What Is Cystic Fibrosis? for Kids

    Kids with cystic fibrosis have bodies that make thick, sticky mucus. This causes problems in their lungs and their digestive tracts.

  • What Is Bronchiolitis? for Kids

    Bronchiolitis is an infection that affects tiny airways in the lungs, which can make it hard to breathe.

  • What Is DNA? for Kids

    DNA is the genetic information inside the cells of the body that helps make people who they are.

  • What's Appendicitis? for Kids

    Appendicitis happens when a part of the digestive system called the appendix gets inflamed or swells up.

  • What's a Peak Flow Meter? for Kids

    Lots of kids who have asthma use a special tool called a peak flow meter to measure how quickly they can push air out of their lungs.

  • What Is Down Syndrome? for Kids

    Down syndrome is a condition that affects the way a baby's body and brain develop. Kids with Down syndrome usually have trouble learning.

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