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You searched for: content-summer
  • Reading: How to Help Your Child for Parents

    Reading programs and resources for your child are in your community or nearby. Find out what's available for your child's age and reading level.

  • Sun Safety for Parents

    By teaching kids how to enjoy fun in the sun safely, parents can reduce their risk for developing skin cancer.

  • How to Handle Sunburn for Parents

    You can treat mild sunburn at home. But severe sunburn needs medical attention. Here's what to do.

  • Emergency Care & First Aid (Topic Center) for Parents

    Here's your one-stop information center for everything you need to know about handling emergencies and keeping kids safe.

  • Managing Your Weight (Topic Center) for Teens

    Has your doctor told you to lose weight? Get ideas on food, fitness, and staying motivated. We've also got weight management tools and recipes designed just for teens.

  • Back to School for Teens

    Dread it or love it, you gotta go to school. Looking for ways to make the first day a little less painful? Here are some tips.

  • What Are Freckles? for Kids

    Do you have freckles or know someone who does? Find out what freckles are in this article.

  • Chigger Bites for Parents

    Chiggers are tiny red mites whose bites aren't painful but do cause intense itching. Home care can help the itchiness.

  • Tanning for Teens

    The sun can do a lot more than just give you a warm summer glow. Get the facts on sun and skin damage - and what you can do to protect yourself and still look tan.

  • What Is Edema? for Kids

    Edema is swelling caused when too much fluid builds up in the tissues of the body.