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You searched for: veggies
  • Breakfast on the Go for Teens

    Use these breakfast planning ideas to select healthy foods that satisfy your taste buds and get you on your way fast.

  • Nutritional Needs for Kids With Cancer for Parents

    Eating as well as possible and staying hydrated can help kids undergoing cancer treatment keep up their strength and deal with side effects. These tips can help.

  • Garden-Fresh Lunches for Kids

    Let's step into the garden for some ideas on what you can pack for lunch. PB&J is great, but not every day!

  • MyPlate Food Guide for Kids

    MyPlate is designed to make it easier to understand healthy eating.

  • Snacks for Toddlers for Parents

    Some toddlers may seem too busy exploring to slow down and eat. Others may be fickle about food or refuse to eat at mealtime. That's where healthy, well-timed snacks come in.

  • School Lunches for Parents

    Packing school lunches are a chance to steer kids toward good nutrition. Here are ideas for some fun and easy lunchbox options.

  • Keeping Portions Under Control for Parents

    Waistlines have been expanding over the last few decades. Part of the problem is what we eat, but another is quantity. Are our plates simply piled too high?

  • Healthy Food Shopping for Parents

    What you put in the grocery cart can affect your child's health and attitude toward nutritious food.

  • Food Portions: How Much Should I Eat? for Teens

    Lots of us don't realize we're eating too much because we've become so used to large portions. This article for teens helps you take control of your plate.

  • Sweet Potato & Zucchini Pancakes for Parents

    This side dish will have your kids asking, "More veggies, please!"