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You searched for: test-camp
  • Celiac Disease for Parents

    Celiac disease happens when someone has a food intolerance to gluten. Here's how to manage symptoms and prevent damage to the intestines.

  • Lyme Disease for Parents

    Lyme disease can affect the skin, joints, nervous system, and other organ systems. If Lyme disease is diagnosed quickly and treated with antibiotics, most people feel better quickly.

  • Are Insect Repellents With DEET Safe for Kids? for Parents

    Insect repellents containing DEET have been tested and approved as safe for kids older than 2 months. But be sure to read all labels and take care when you use them.

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever for Teens

    Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a disease caused by a bacteria that is carried by certain types of ticks. Learn about the signs and symptoms of RMSF and tips for preventing infection in this article.

  • Stay Safe (Topic Center) for Kids

    Go outside! Just be safe out there. Find out how to handle stinging bugs, thunderstorms, sunny days, and icy cold days, too.

  • Lyme Disease for Kids

    The best way to prevent Lyme disease is to prevent tick bites. Find out more about this disease and how to keep those ticks away.

  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding or Clenching) for Parents

    Gnashing and grinding teeth, called bruxism, is common in kids, and often happens during deep sleep or while a child is under stress.

  • MRSA for Teens

    MRSA is a type of bacteria that the usual antibiotics can't tackle anymore. The good news is that there are some simple ways to protect yourself from being infected. Find out how.

  • MRSA for Parents

    MRSA is a type of bacteria that the usual antibiotics can't tackle anymore. Simple precautions can help protect your kids from becoming infected.

  • Lyme Disease for Teens

    Lyme disease can be treated if it's caught early. Find out what causes it, how it's treated, and how to prevent it.