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You searched for: tenderness
  • A to Z: Kohler's Disease for Parents

    Kohler's disease is a rare cause of foot pain that develops from temporary changes in bones in the feet as kids grow.

  • Body Piercing for Teens

    Wondering whether you should pierce one of your precious parts? Read about what to expect.

  • X-Ray Exam: Hand for Parents

    A hand X-ray can help doctors find the cause of pain, tenderness, swelling, and deformity. It also can detect broken bones or dislocated joints.

  • Varicocele for Teens

    A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins in the scrotum. Although there is no way to prevent a varicocele, it usually needs no special treatment.

  • X-Ray Exam: Lower Leg (Tibia and Fibula) for Parents

    An X-ray of the tibia and fibula can help find the cause of pain, tenderness, swelling, or deformity of the lower leg. It can detect broken bones, and after a broken bone has been set, help see if it has healed well.

  • X-Ray Exam: Hip for Parents

    A hip X-ray can help find the cause of symptoms such as limping, pain, tenderness, swelling, or deformity in the hip area. It can detect broken bones or a dislocated joint.

  • X-Ray Exam: Knee for Parents

    A knee X-ray can help find the causes of pain, tenderness, swelling, or deformity of the knee, and detect broken bones or a dislocated joint.

  • X-Ray Exam: Ankle for Parents

    An ankle X-ray can help find the cause of symptoms such as pain, tenderness, and swelling, or deformity of the ankle joint. It can also detect broken bones or a dislocated joint.

  • Skin Abscesses for Parents

    An abscess is a sign of an infection, usually on the skin. Find out what to do if your child develops one.

  • Diaper Rash for Parents

    Diaper rash is a very common infection that can cause a baby's skin to become sore, red, scaly, and tender. In most cases, it clears up with simple changes in diapering.