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You searched for: rumors
  • Can Masturbation Affect Periods? for Teens

    Masturbation doesn't affect periods or cause health problems. Those are rumors. Find out more.

  • Dealing With Bullying for Teens

    Bullying has everyone worried, not just the people on its receiving end. Learn about dealing with bullies, including tips on how to stand up for yourself or a friend.

  • Sexual Harassment for Teens

    People who sexually harass someone else use cruel sexual comments, gestures, threats, or actions. Learn examples of this abuse and how to get help.

  • Is It Normal to Masturbate? for Teens

    It’s normal for people to masturbate. Some people do it to relieve stress or tension. It’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.

  • Can Masturbation Stunt My Growth? for Teens

    Masturbation won’t stunt growth (keep a person from from getting taller) or cause any health problems. Find out more.

  • Does Touching Breasts Make Them Grow? for Teens

    Touching or massaging breasts doesn’t make them grow. Find out what does affect how breasts develop.

  • Apologizing for Teens

    We all mess up at times. An apology tells someone that we're sorry for the hurt we caused, even if we didn't do it on purpose. But how do you apologize? And how should you handle it if someone apologizes to you? Find out here.

  • Gyn Checkups for Teens

    Girls should get their first gynecological checkup between ages 13 and 15. Find out what happens during a yearly gyn visit -- and why most girls don't get internal exams.