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You searched for: more-protein
  • Protein-Losing Enteropathy for Parents

    Protein-losing enteropathy is when too much protein leaks into the intestines, often because of a chronic health condition. The condition usually can be treated.

  • What's Protein? for Kids

    Protein builds, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body. You can get it from yummy foods like eggs, nuts, beans, fish, meat, and milk.

  • Urine Test: Protein for Parents

    The urine protein test is most commonly used to screen for kidney disease and also can help monitor kidney function.

  • MyPlate Food Guide for Teens

    MyPlate is designed to help people make smart food choices. Its different food groups are a reminder of what – and how much – we should put on our plates to stay healthy.

  • Blood Test: C-Reactive Protein (CRP) for Parents

    A C-reactive protein (CRP) blood test is used to identify inflammation or infection in the body.

  • Milk Allergy for Parents

    Milk allergy can cause serious reactions. Find out how to keep kids safe.

  • Sports Supplements for Parents

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. But there aren't enough long-term studies to know if they're safe for teens.

  • Sports Supplements for Teens

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. Lots of people who want to improve their performance have questions about how supplements work and whether they're safe.

  • What's Blood? for Kids

    It swirls through your veins and arteries, but what is it really? Find out about blood in this article for kids.

  • Milk Allergy for Teens

    Milk is in all kinds of foods, even things like baked goods. So what should a person who's allergic to milk do?