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  • Bulimia for Parents

    People with the eating disorder bulimia often eat large amounts of food over short periods of time (binge eat). Then, they try to prevent weight gain by doing things like exercising too much or throwing up what they ate.

  • Triple X Syndrome for Parents

    Triple X syndrome (also known as XXX syndrome, 47,XXX, and trisomy X) is a genetic condition found in girls only. Girls who have it may be taller than average, but the symptoms can vary greatly.

  • Sexual Attraction and Orientation for Teens

    Both guys and girls often find themselves having sexual thoughts and attractions. For some, these feelings and thoughts can be intense — and even confusing.

  • Suicide for Teens

    We all feel overwhelmed by difficult emotions or situations sometimes. Here are the warning signs of suicide and ways to get help.

  • Tuberous Sclerosis Complex for Parents

    Tuberous sclerosis complex is a genetic condition that causes the growth of benign tumors. Symptoms can range from mild to severe.

  • Helping Kids Deal With Bullies for Parents

    Unfortunately, bullying is a common part of childhood. But parents can help kids cope with it and lessen its lasting impact.

  • Cutting and Self-Harm for Parents

    Some teens and even pre-teens hurt themselves on purpose. Find out why some cut or do other types of self-injury and how to help.

  • Your Daughter's First Gynecology Visit for Parents

    The idea of going to the gynecologist may make your daughter feel nervous. Here's how to make her feel more comfortable about a well-woman visit.

  • Auditory Processing Disorder for Parents

    Kids with APD can't understand what they hear in the same way other kids do. That's because their ears and brain don't fully coordinate. But early diagnosis and a variety of strategies can help them.

  • Temper Tantrums for Parents

    Temper tantrums range from whining and crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath holding. Get the facts on managing - and preventing - temper tantrums.