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  • Adolescent Medicine Specialists for Teens

    Adolescent medicine doctors are specialists who have extra training in the medical and emotional issues that many teens face.

  • Kidney Disease for Teens

    Sometimes, the kidneys can't do their job properly. In teens, kidney disease is usually due to infections, structural issues, glomerulonephritis, or nephrotic syndrome.

  • Choosing Your Own Doctor for Teens

    You deserve medical care from someone who helps you feel comfortable and understood. Get tips on finding the best doctor for you.

  • Anxiety Disorders for Teens

    Everyone feels anxious at times, but sometimes anxiety is too intense. Find out what makes anxiety disorders different from normal anxiety, and what to do if you think anxiety is a problem.

  • School Counselors for Teens

    School counselors can give you all sorts of tips and support on solving problems and making good decisions. Find out all the ways counselors can help students.

  • Sexual Attraction and Orientation for Teens

    Both guys and girls often find themselves having sexual thoughts and attractions. For some, these feelings and thoughts can be intense — and even confusing.

  • Suicide for Teens

    We all feel overwhelmed by difficult emotions or situations sometimes. Here are the warning signs of suicide and ways to get help.

  • Gyn Checkups for Teens

    Girls should get their first gynecological checkup between ages 13 and 15. Find out what happens during a yearly gyn visit -- and why most girls don't get internal exams.

  • Writing a Paper for Teens

    Writing a paper can seem intimidating at first. But putting together a good paper really just involves a combination of things you already know how to do. Here are some tips.

  • How Do I Switch Doctors? for Teens

    Most pediatricians stop seeing patients who are between the ages of 18 and 21, so you'll need to make the switch eventually.